
維修 SATURN 雙打 JOYSTICK HSS-0130 - 2

1. 焊走原本塊底版, 因買埋PS3/PC CONNECTOR, 唔洗再用返
2. 移除哂所有舊制

工具, 影漏咗一把大鉗, 唔夠力, 扭D 制出黎



除去下面三個駁頭, 除埋對角兩粒螺絲, 成塊版連線都唔要





除哂8條線, 上下兩粒螺

未換前, 右邊係新, 左邊係舊

除4羅螺絲, 交換個MOUNT, 上返個架就得, 比想像中容易


用"辣雞"同吸錫線, 吸走版上D 錫

老了, 用咗成半個鐘先整哂

好實, 唔夠力, 要用大鉗逆時針

右邊三和制, 左邊SEGA 制

壞消息係上下個扣位, 唔知裝唔裝到三和制, 又冇銼係手

好消息係, 用三和制噤入去個扣位可偷位裝到
但都要小心, 要噤住扣, 入咗個制一半先放手, 再拍佢入去
唔係好易整欄, 我第一粒已經唔係彈, 唔鬆由佢


下步就簡單喇, 插線

G7X 五大好用功能讓相機更順手

1. 控制環預設控制光圈 , 右手按住螢幕右邊 , 控制環就變成可控制白平衡。
2. Ring Func設定為自定白平衡2 , 當自動白平衡不準時 , 對準白色區域按一下Ring Func即可得到準確的白平衡。
(另把FUNC選單的白平衡調整到第一個 , 方便切換回自動白平衡)
(為何不用自定白平衡1 ? 也是為了方便切回自動白平衡時少按一次)
3. 按住DISP 再按開機 , 即可將相機設為靜音。
4. 自定觸控手勢 , 可快速將照片設為保護。
5. 註冊Canon Image Gateway , 並設定流動裝置連接鍵到網路服務 , 即可在電腦未開機狀態下 , 一鍵上傳到網路 , 然後等電腦開機時 , 自動下載到電腦內。
(在外面若記憶卡不夠時 , 也可利用此功能上傳到網路 , 等回家打開電腦就會自動下載下來)

6. 眨眼自拍功能,用自拍棒時超好用,不會脫焦。


維修 SATURN 雙打 JOYSTICK HSS-0130 - 1






總結 要做既
1. 換唔到三和桿, 用三和桿要"鐡工" 唔博喇, 用返清水, MODEL係LS-32,
2. 制可轉返三和制, STANDARD 30MM 洞
3. 想一次過整, 方便將來再維修, 唔洗再用"辣雞", 用哂夾頭

1. 桿, 清水桿, LS-32,
2. 制, 三和制, X16粒
3. 夾頭,  桿用187, 制用110, , 線, 是但條LAN 8芯線(廠商圖片)

1. 毅昕商行
2. 香港, 最近,  好貴, 但包真貨, 同有成個PANEL 賣, 乜都唔洗搞,
有全三和桿同制, 但買唔起, USD$168, HKD$1300

SEGA PANEL - Astro City 2p Panel  (OOM-8-6AR-H)control panel
With Seimitsu Push Button & Joystick &Wire
USD $ 168 ( Good Condition 90%)

最後都係淘, 驚D 制同桿係假貨, 但平好多, 博一博


MOD HSS-0130


1.        三和制,, 緑X8, 粉紅X8
淘寶, RMB $8 = HKD$10


香港, HKD 15

2.       線耳 型號110  X 32 粒 或接線X4

3.       Seimitsu清水1 LS-32, S PLATE EXISTING
淘寶, $78


Joystick安裝 :

Remove the four screws that hold on the metal plate on the new joystick. Remove the old joystick from the HSS-0130. Remove the same four screws from the old stick. Take the metal plate off the old stick and put it on the new stick. Reinstall the new stick in the panel.



喉管內璧痴咗雜物硬化,內璧變窄. 我用2湯匙氫氧化納(哥士的)開一湯碗熱暖水, 分三次倒入喉管, 每五分鐘一次. 完成後加大量水倒入喉管, 再加膠泵. 保証hur hur 聲去水.


Sega VirtuaStick Pro Joystick Renewal


As some of you may have read recently I've had a devil of a time making my JAMMA setup work after several years of neglect.  Turns out there were a few flaws with it, and some work needed to be done.  

One of the big issues was the controllers I'd use to play with.  It turned out, after some initial trials, that the painstakingly modified Saturn dual-joystick monster was not, in fact, MY modification.  it was modified by a Japanese dude who, I think, suffered from massive head trauma.

Rather than re-use a couple of NeoGeo joystick/pad cables, he took the PCBs from the original controllers and put them inside the Sega stick.  The Neo doesn't use any encoders, there's absolutely no reason to bring the original PCBs over, unless you're retarded.  They weren't even mounted properly, they just kinda rattled around inside.

Have a look at the original job:

Obviously this wouldn't do, so I removed the whole panel from the base, and chucked it away.  Next I dragged my modified panel out of storage.  It has the button PCBs (seen above) removed, and the buttons all replaced.  I wanted microswitch buttons, I like the feel of them more than the sloppy normal Japanese button style.  Unfortunately I could only get six, so there's a bit of a mix in there.  P1 buttons 4 and 8, and all of P2's buttons are normal, but the StreetFighter arrangement for P1 is all microswitches.

The first thing I did was wire up a ground loop, connecting all the grounds to each other:

There's no reason to be fancy with the wiring as I was here, it's just fun.

Both P1 and P2 ground wires were connected to the START button PCB in the middle of the stick, for wiring convenience.  I joined the two ground wires together in the middle, though in hindsight this might prevent the stick from being used on two consoles at once (Like that'd ever happen), so maybe it was better to leave them separate?

And here's the final wiring for P1.  Despite how messy the picture makes it look, the wiring's very clean.  Each wire runs up the centre and branches off to its respective destination.  There's enough slack in there that I can change the layout later if I need to.

A few notes:

I soldered the wires directly to the buttons rather than use connectors, for several reasons.  I don't expect to ever want to re-wire the stick, I've already made an external re-wiring box for use in projects demanding a different pinout, so rapid re-wiring wasn't an issue.  Using the 15-pin extension cables makes the job really easy, but the wires are very thin.  Soldering or crimping them to spade connectors, which can be moved around from button to button, doesn't work well,  the first time you try and pull one off the wires just tear right out or break off.  Screw it, this is permanent and reliable and takes only seconds to re-wire with a soldering iron if I really need to do it.

For a button layout I went with the ol' standby.  Honestly I dunno WTF I was thinking when I wrote and abandoned that page, it's pointless.  but if you examine the table at the tob, you'll see the pinout I used.  mostly.  Instead I went with this:


This preserves the NeoGeo layout (ABCD across the top) and the six-button Saturn layout (ABC/XYZ).  The Saturn doesn't use SELECT or D but it DOES use Left and Right.  When this stick is plugged into a JAMMA setup it uses the above, but when plugged into a Saturn adaptor, it uses:


The pinouts on the Neo connector are:

1 - common/ground
2 - X
3 - Select
4 - D
5 - B
6 - Right
7 - Down
8 - Not connected
9 - Y
10 - Z
11 - Start
12 - C
13 - A
14 - Left
15 - Up

Note how cleverly I avoided pin 8, which is +5V on the Neo.  If I had used this pin and pressed the button connected to it while plugged into a Neo I'd have blown its fuse or ruined the system.

But I'd never fry anything...




Introduction of remodeling stick

When the Virtua Fighter has been launched in PS2, dedicated stick was released at the same time from Hori.
However, even fewer people that were not convinced on the lever should did not.
When you are thinking I am also one of them, "Do not be the same as is used lever and in the arcade",
I thought to discover the virtual stick late type for Sega Saturn used that are sold in about 300 yen.
"Oh, whether ~ should I modify this"
but is why I made ​​in not What,
seems out what that is, "reprint Virtua Stick for PS2", even it be of that in wearing the Sanwa lever So
we will introduce My stick is I think a good opportunity.
It is currently also has RAP, but to the virtual and Z Gundam is easy to do better over here.
RAP Other games (games that you want to use 5 button more than more of the RAP is Yo-sa-ge) uses to.

First this. Unit 2 My own stick
Why say from Unit 2. Unit 1 is been ported only top plate in Unit 3,
because it is currently in renovation preparation, now is the decomposition state



Let's take a look at the inside. And say if you have to for a PS doing, it is guy so-called "substrate hijacking method".
Substrate that is used is the controller SCPH-1080 of PS genuine.
It is sold at about 100-300 yen in Chuko-ya and junk shop like a Toko (hard off, etc.).
And that it called in but is lever was the largest theme in private "use the same lever as the arcade", we used made ​​Sanwa electronic "JLF-TP-8".
Harness that connects to the lever that had been connected to the default lever of Virtua stick was not necessary because as it is available.
Button is also Sanwa Denshi as "OBSN-30", "OBSF-30".
Start and select button is a small button of about 100 yen which is sold at so of home improvement. 
Let's then take a look at the attachment of the lever.

Originally have drilled a hole in the 4 cm square to lever mounting portion of the top plate of the Saturn Virtua stick,
there ASCII made ​​lever (this is the worst possible) or made ​​Seimitsu as "LS-56-01" Omowashiki lever has is mounted. (By the way, was unlucky to Unit 1, made ​​of ASCII (;'Д `) 2 Unit, Unit 3 was made ​​Seimitsu)
does not attach lever of Sanwa in this state.
So I was prepared precision made ​​lever used that we have received from the term direction "LS-55-01". For there this "VS-based"? Was decided to use the null ones.

When someone look at the pictures I think you can see able, but this stays and control panel in a hole opened in the same 4 centimeters square and top plate of the Virtua Stick with stays for mounting such as this lever, such as made ​​Sanwa, Sanwa of lever the hole in the same interval as the mounting holes have been drilled.
By utilizing this Attach the Sanwa of the lever.

First, the fixed screws to be used for later secure the lever Sanwa the stay, and then fix the stay to the top plate of the virtual stick.
In this case it is to fix the stay with screws and nuts, but the nut and Sanwa lever protrudes from the stay
has been used with a washer in order to match the height of the nut for fixing the screw which is attached to fixed.
Is also screws for fixing the top plate rough the stay and I cut to match the length,
but still showed that or too jump out from the nut, it is cut with a metal file.
By the way, the control panel of Virtua Fighter 4 genuine height of from Konbane back of the surface to the lever mounting stays
because it was about 8mm I is matched to its height. I saw by attaching a lever of Sanwa in such upon. You will like this. To mounting strength has been pretty firmly, is the replacement of the lever also easy when lever is Tsu calyx.

Next is the button, but the button that is attached by default to Virtua stick back is soldered to the substrate,
it has become in this way When you take them remove the button. Since the diameter of the hole itself, such as 28mm in on something or disturbing projections are out, the same button as the arcade in this state I will need to be processed because it does not enter. First of all, we spread the hole itself up to 30mm in the way of projections from the cut in Handonibura over in chassis reamer. After processing, I was now comfortably also enter button for arcade.

Incidentally sheet that had been stuck to a panel was attached in the 2-ply new cutting sheet was peeled off.
Cutting sheet itself was used having a high weather resistance can also be used to such as car exterior and signs.
You have passed the fabricated to from more than two years, but the degradation is not felt almost.


This is the Unit 3 that made ​​it are stimulated after I bought a RAP.
Now I was on the same button as the start and select buttons and an arcade.
Because even fire function with pad foundation you use them to takeover, originally to Virtua stick
it tried to be able to also set fire function by using the switch on.
In guy top plate that was originally used in Unit 1, was stick to Sanwa, the only place remove the default button
because RAP default buttons that were removed from the RAP was just entered, we use it.
The peeling sheet that had been stuck on the panel surface, was superimposed on the first cutting sheet translucent PVC sheet with any RAP thereon.
Although I thought that it or attempt to open the rear two holes in the stage of the bottom in order to future appointments Astro-style arrangement,
reprint Virtua Stick for PS2 will decide to wait and see what button placement

SS Virtua Stick (late type) Unit 3 Astro flavor

Drilling and new button hole in order to the top plate for Unit 3, which had been a long time left in the Astro-style arrangement
was done the usual Sanwa lever mounting remodeling.
Side already use the remodeling already Unit 3 of the side. (Refurbishment of Unit 1 of the side that has left over only was troublesome but ... which is trying to do ...)
The top plate Unit 3 of mono so to speak 1.3 Unit side with those of Unit 1.  It is this side.  It is remodeling already for PS.  Takeover If you are using the substrate fire bad the substrate, has become possible fire set using the fire setting switch the SS virtual stick.

First I will remove all the parts of the top plate. Button lever and seat that is attached to the surface too.
Peel the sheet is quite tedious work, but peeling sheet on the first best, is persistently peeling remaining paper with an adhesive under the
Peel Very Berry by easy to peel off the wet, etc. spray Because there. Then you go up much remains thin adhesive, but 
to remove the adhesive with a peel commercially available adhesive that is sold in as benzene and home improvement how much up there.
Once clean the top plate surface, Unit 2 Introduction to cut the nails that are sticking out of the existing button hole as it was done in such as such as in Handonibura over
you waged in reamer until the button for arcade enters. This also is an arduous task and applied to all eight but button hole.
And I make the positioning of the button hole to open the new Once it is finished. The photograph is a top plate back.We have already forgot to take photos in one open you have it ..... first (laughs)
After positioning the hole Nari hole saw chassis - Open with Nari punch.
I was opened using the chassis punch, but there are advantages and disadvantages to the hole saw, chassis punch both.

Next is the lever stays, but there is also a place where you are somewhat elaborate so went past this remodeling twice.
First to VS base for LS-55-01 it is to fix the screw for Sanwa lever mounting, but
the How do you use the screws to tighten in the usual + driver until the last time, this time it is not that (almost loose But)
to be able to tighten than ever after mounting a stay on the top plate, and also was used the hex bolt to tighten purely tightly. Furthermore nut was also using the V nut prevent loosening.
Hexagon bolt is ideal about 4 * 25mm is. 
And Although it is mounted to the top plate of the stay, again use a flat head screw with a hole for the hex wrench rather than a screw for ordinary + driver,
nut normal high slack prevention also including nylon to than nut I've used the nut.
This also forgot to take a photo, you Yes shaved is already one place screws (laughs)
Here while Measure the height and height of the nut of stay fixed nut of the lever fixing bolt, the protruding portion of the screw of stay fixed
to match the height is or cut with a file. I was to be lower the lever fixed portion about 0.5mm.

When you have finished shaving you look at actually mounting the lever. Lever head of fixing hexagon bolt between the top plate and the stay in when temporary set
but I was floating from slightly top plate, touching just the top plate is actually tighten the screws when mounting a stay in the top plate It was the good feeling is enough.

Paste the cutting sheet on the top plate surface When you come up here and I only attach to the side, but in my case the cutting sheet to double
it is the paste, but the top plate front when you paste cutting sheet of the first sheet side wrap the sheet to the back side.
This is due to the rust prevention of the top plate. Is rust easy as in Unit 1 of the top plate per placing a hand when it is easy to write sweat on hand, such as summer
had rust around to put the right hand.

By the way, cutting sheet that my used were Nakagawa chemical thing's. Very quality well Unit 2 was passed more than three years from the circle to create, but
it does not feel the most deterioration. Is recommended.

After that you can the also mounting wiring button lever is attached to the side.
This time the button Precision Industry I've used made ​​PS-14-GN.
Button is still screw fixed (laughs).  ... But I'm confused
In is complete.
Button assignment × upper row from left ○ L1R1, is lower from the left □ △ L2R2.
The lower left of cosmetic screw white here is because so easy to rust hit the hand instead of cosmetic screw you are using nylon rivets.

Because I think in the remodeling using the original top plate of the Virtua stick ended up until the final form,
you may only have another self-made top plate after this.


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